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The Gut Microbiome

Understanding what is it and how it affects your health

Updated over a week ago

The microbiome is literally a whole new world and it can be quite complex to understand, so we hope this article can help shed some light on this unique ecosystem. Below we have answered key questions to help you learn about the microbiome and how your results will affect your goals and meal plan.

What is my Gut Microbiome and why does it matter?

Your gut encompasses your intestinal tract and has a surface area 4 times larger than your skin. This vast surface is important to help absorb as many nutrients and compounds from the foods you consume. It is important that the intestinal walls are kept intact so that they can be efficient and effective. In some conditions, inflammation and damage to the gut can cause malabsorption of nutrients and lead to symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort and unusual bowel movements.

Interestingly, the health of our gut is not just about absorbing nutrients but creating them too. This is where our gut friends come in. It is estimated we have about 100 trillion microbes in and on our bodies, but fear not as these are generally beneficial to us. In our gut alone, we have around 2kg of microbes helping to break down foods we cannot digest (such as fibre), and create nutrients and other molecules which our body needs to survive and be healthy. For example, some bacteria produce certain B vitamins and vitamin K, and low abundance of these bacteria could result in deficiencies in these vitamins. Some bacteria also generate short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) as metabolic by-products, which research suggests are beneficial for reducing inflammation (and the negative symptoms associated with gut upset). Additionally, these SCFAs could be beneficial in maintaining a healthy weight, regulating appetite, and preventing metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease.

The bacteria found in our gut are linked to a whole array of outcomes, from nutrient deficiencies to the strength of our immune system, our weight, food intolerances, physical wellness and even our mental health! In fact, we have a thin mesh of brain cells covering our intestinal tract, which relay information to and from our brain via the vagus nerve. Ever wondered why we say, ‘I have a gut feeling’, or why our tummies get in knots when we’re anxious? Now you understand why!

Having an abundance of a certain bacteria or several bacteria could be indicative of a high-fat or low-carbohydrate diet, whilst some specific bacteria are more commonly seen in individuals with conditions such as IBS. In addition, having a high abundance of certain microbes could also be an indicator of increased risk for conditions such as migraines. It is useful to identify what bacteria you are hosting before we can make the necessary changes to reduce “bad” bacteria and increase the “good” ones.

The food that we eat, how often we exercise, our stress levels and physical environment all contribute to the composition of microbes that live inside our gut. Leading a healthy lifestyle, eating a diverse range of plant-based & probiotic foods and reducing stress is all fundamental to ensuring our the good health of our gut.

What will my results show?

Results will be sent directly to your app. You will be presented with the species of bacteria identified, the abundance they were found in, whether this is an optimal amount or whether it needs to be monitored, and suggestions for improvements where necessary.

First thing to look at is your Gut Diversity Score. The higher your diversity, the better. Many studies have concluded that the more species you are hosting in your gut, the healthier your gut environment is likely to be. Unfortunately, as the range of foods we consume becomes slimmer, our diversity is now a fraction of what our ancestors had. Studies have shown that the average household only consumes 3 portions of vegetables a day and these tend to be from a choice of about 5 foods – not very diverse. Alongside the introduction of antibiotics and rise in processed foods, we have lost many species which used to inhabit our gut.

Two key bacteria to look at is Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, these are often the species found in probiotic yogurts or supplements. Bifidobacterium breaks down foods we cannot digest and produces SCFAs as a by-product. These SCFAs have been known to reduce inflammation and protect our intestinal walls from damage. Damage to the lining of our gut adversely impacts the absorption of nutrients, leading to deficiencies and negative impacts on our health. Lactobacillus, on the other hand, assists our immune system by preventing “bad” bacteria from thriving in our gut. Probiotic foods such as live yogurts, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh and kimchi are all great natural sources of Lactobacillus.

Some of your results from your microbiome test will have a value of 0. This is not always something to be concerned about: often these species are found in such small abundance that they were either not present in your particular sample, or the level they were present at was simply too low to be detected during analysis. Read the descriptions given with each species to get an understanding of whether it is a “good” or “bad” bacteria and what your result means. If you are particularly worried about any results, don’t be shy to get in touch with your Coach.

How will the results influence my recommendations?

Your microbiome results, along with your Health Assessment questionnaire, tracker data and any other tests you have taken, will contribute to the generation of your weekly goals and your meal plan. These bespoke plans have been created for you by our team of doctors, dieticians, nutritionists and health coaches, aided by machine learning algorithms. We reviewed hundreds of thousands of papers to ensure that the recommendations generated are backed by the latest, most reliable science.

Each of your weekly goals will feature your associated results. This is to help you understand the rationale behind each goal, as well as the markers that will be improved when you achieve the goal or start building the habit. For example, if you are deficient in several B vitamin-producing bacteria, we will provide recommendations aimed at increasing your intake of these vitamins.

We hope you are excited to receive your results and see how your recommendations change!

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