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All about genetic testing
All about genetic testing

Delve into your biological makeup and discover how to eat, exercise, and care for your skin in a way that works for your unique self.

Updated over a week ago

What is DNA and why is it important?

DNA is found within almost all our cells. It is our own individual code and unique ‘blueprint’ of information that determines, or at least influences, every single function of our body. This includes how we respond to certain nutrients and our predisposition towards certain physical traits.

The information in our DNA is stored as a code, made up from four nitrogen-based chemicals also known as ‘bases’. These bases are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). The order of these four bases within certain regions of our DNA determines the information for building and maintaining an organism. It is the difference between these bases within certain regions that makes us unique from one another.

Key areas within our 3 billion base code (our DNA) have been identified which impact certain traits, called phenotypes. These range from the youthfulness of our skin, to how we respond to caffeine, to the likelihood of injury during exercise. Slight changes in the bases found in these regions, called single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), determine how we differ in these phenotypes to others.

Why should I go for genetic screening?

Understanding your genetic profile gives you the knowledge you need to make pro-active, informed lifestyle decisions that will suit you the best. Your DNA makes you one of a kind, so it only follows that your lifestyle should take this into account to be effective.

What is the difference between diagnostic testing and non-diagnostic testing?

Wellness genetic screening is non-diagnostic, which means that it simply screens for genetic markers that could potentially affect overall wellness. On the other hand, diagnostic testing is what doctors use to confirm the presence or absence of specific diseases.

What to expect from your genetic test?

Imagene Lab's range of mySNP DNA tests provides Diet & Nutrition, Fitness & Performance, and Skin Care insights based on your unique genetic profile. Our patented bioinformatics technology identifies your ethnicity and compares your saliva sample against the database specific to your ethnicity, providing you with highly accurate insights unparalleled by any DNA test on the market.

On top of that, we offer personalized solutions, such as supplements and skin serums, targeting your unique needs to help you achieve optimal wellness.

Below is a list of comprehensive insights that mySNP DNA tests provide across the domains of Nutrition, Fitness and Skin:

Food Sensitivity

1. Impaired Caffeine Metabolism

2. Sensitivity to Gluten

3. Sensitivity to Salt

Mineral and Nutrient Deficiencies

1. Calcium

2. CoQ10

3. Glutathione

4. Iron

5. Magnesium

6. Monounsaturated Fats

7. Polyunsaturated Fats

8. Selenium

9. Zinc

Diet Management

1. Glucose Balance

2. Low Carb Diet Effectiveness

3. Low Fat Diet Effectiveness

4. Mediterranean Diet Effectiveness

5. Impaired Satiety

Vitamin Deficiencies

1. Vitamin A

2. Vitamin B1

3. Vitamin B2

4. Vitamin B3

5. Vitamin B5

6. Vitamin B6

7. Vitamin B7

8. Vitamin B9

9. Vitamin B12

10. Vitamin C

11. Vitamin D

12. Vitamin E

13. Vitamin K

Athletic Performance

1. VO2 Max Potential

2. Endurance Potential

3. Benefits from Exercise

4. Potential for Lean Body Mass

5. Power Potential

6. Reduced Heart Beat Response to Exercise

Weight Management

1. Difficulty in Losing Weight

2. Aversion to Exercise

3. Potential for Obesity

4. Slow Metabolism

Muscle Properties

1. Muscle Damage Risk

2. Muscle Recovery Impairment

3. Muscle Soreness

Injury Risk

1. Overall Injury Risk

2. Stress Fracture Risk


1. Antioxidant Deficiency

2. Premature Collagen Breakdown

3. Impaired Detoxification

4. Skin Dryness

5. Skin Glycation

6. UV Damage Potential

7. Sun Spots

8. Youthful Skin

Skin Sensitivity

1. Impaired Skin Barrier Function

2. Sun Sensitivity

How are the genes and SNPs selected in Imagene Labs' mySNP DNA tests?

Genes and SNPs are selected based on two criteria:

  1. The significance of the statistical relationship strength between the genetic variations and the trait within the scientific literature;

  2. The applicability to our studied populations. Many of the SNPs we have chosen are more likely to occur in and impact these populations. Where we have been able to find studies that has high correlation to the traits we study, we have given a higher weight to those in our knowledge base to ensure relevance.

How is my sample analyzed?

mySNP DNA Testing Kit by Imagene Labs is a simple saliva test - just follow the instructions in your test kit to gather your sample, then arrange for it to be picked up by a courier and sent to our partner laboratories.

How accurate are mySNP DNA tests?

Your samples are analyzed by Illumina DNA microarray technology, which provides a high level of accuracy in detecting genetic variations. The microarray chip contains highly-informative, genome-wide markers found across diverse populations, and allows us to sample your DNA for unique genetic predispositions to various wellness traits. Samples run in our partner laboratories have demonstrated a 99.5% level of concordance compared with other diagnostic accredited laboratories.

Our patented machine-learning algorithms also compare your data against ethnically relevant reference datasets to increase accuracy.

Imagene Labs continually strives to keep up with the latest developments in the field of Wellness Genomics, to provide you with the most up-to-date information. As a pioneer of Wellness Genomics in Asia, we continue to optimize for the Asian populations and subpopulations in the countries we serve.

How will the genetic results be used in my recommendations and meal plan?

Based on your genetic information, we will guide you to choose healthier food choices to obtain nutrients you may be lacking in, understand which choices are more likely to have a beneficial impact on your health, and to have a better understanding of your body in general.

It is important to note that, while extensive, the results from your DNA tests offer only one side of the story. To paint a full picture of your health, it is useful to pair results of your genetic predispositions with other test results (such as gut microbiome and blood tests), your Health Assessment Questionnaire, sleep tracker data and physical activity data.

For example, your genetic results may show that you are at increased risk of being deficient in vitamin B12. We will factor that in conjunction with your Health Assessment questionnaire and even gut microbiome results to evaluate your true holistic risk.

With a full understanding of your biology and lifestyle, our team of doctors, dietitians and nutritionists will then be able to create a bespoke, evidence-based action plan for you with the help of our proprietary artificial intelligence system.

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